About me:

Now that I have completed my 365 Photo project, I am embarking on a challenge that I am pretty hesitant about.
My motivation in taking this on is the desire to improve my drawing ability, even if it is only by a small amount. I was never much of a doodler or sketcher but have admired the eye and abilities of those who seem to effortlessly make a sketch and have it look good. I am trying to keep my expectations sort of low but don't want to set myself for failure by keeping the bar too low but I want it low enough that I don't get too discouraged. I am planning on adding pictures of my images daily thus continuing my 365 project :). My supplies are purchased and I am ready to start today. Hold on tight, this might be a bumpy ride....

About me:


Monday, November 17, 2014

Skyler - Day 10 - Doodle

Well its been a while for sure. Oops. But here was my doodle for the day. I call it, little power mage or LPM for short. Let's get this started again.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Denise - Day 10 - Super Doodle

Super Doodle
Now if I haven't mentioned that I don't really doodle then this will help to illustrate my lack of experience (pun intended).  I really had no idea where it was going. I started with the heart and then tried to come up with a "theme" that would go with my heart.  So maybe I didn't pull off the full page but I tried.  :)

Friday, October 17, 2014

Denise - Day 8 and 9

Okay,  I broke through my mental block and decided to sit down and draw tonight. It could be because I was sick and sitting finally seemed permissible or because I had plenty of sleep and could focus without getting frustrated. Whatever it was I am feeling pretty good about what came out and made it to the paper. AJ Thanks for your hints with the shading and Skyler thanks for your patience.


Sunday, October 12, 2014

Day 8 & 9 - Skyler - Drawing a light source / Man made drawing

Haven't posted for a long while. Sorry. New job and apartment hunting have made me a bit busy. Drawing a light source a bit harder than I expected it but not too bad. We had to draw 2 man made things from a list of four. I chose the headphones and airplane. I spent more time on the airplane and rather like it.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Denise - Day 7 - draw what you like

I took some time drawing this in bed tonight but had a chatty and fidgety girl who wanted to talk about everything I was drawing. It's true that I didn't draw much,  it's mostly words.

Day 7 - Skyler - Draw what you like

I like the Legend of Zelda games a lot so I drew Link. Just don't look at his sword...or right foot and he looks pretty dang good in my opinion. At least, you can tell who he is anyways. Yeah for video games. Also, this should actually be day 7 but for some strange reason I did day 5. Day 6 was cubism day though, so it makes sense that it is labeled the wrong day, right...

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Skyler - Day 5 - Cubism

I actually think one of my hand drawings was a better cubism representation, but this one didn't turn out too bad. I sort of like it anyways.